Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday, March 25, 2018

HonokaMiku Short Story

This is what the current state of SIF WW now, tons of cheaters entering the score match, because me. Yes, me! Here's a short story why.

It's all start from October 21st, 2015, where the disaster started. It was me developing an SIF files decrypter a few years ago. Probably the first one which become open source, based on my first successful attempt to reverse engineer program (read: SIF). I was hoping this tool can be good for datamining the game files to make predictions more and more accurate (PS: it's Eli Ayase birthday; I choose that specific date to release my decrypter).

Times has passed, like 1 year and 2 years. My decrypter received good support of being able to dump all cards, game database, and even almost-functional SIF private server at that time. It helps me alot understanding the game mechanics, as well as helping other people dumping card images from their rooted phone. Not to add my SIF live simulator is mostly based on what I found in SIF game code.

Somewhere in the early 2018, someone asked me (from Indonesia), via my Live Simulator: 2 Facebook page, how to decrypt Lua files with HonokaMiku. This is probably where things start to be in situation like today. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware at that time where he used it to create modded game, so I tell him how to do things like "unluac", but not all.

A few days later there was a news that there's Indonesian hacker which reach the top 10 event song ranking, and my reaction like "Man WTF?". After some investigating, he post it in Android modding forums. He even write my internet name (MikuAuahDark) in his post because he used HonokaMiku to create his modified APK and I'm angry because that, so I asked him to apologize and remove my name. Yet, only for some time, then he's strikes again.

Today, most dataminers now uses libhonoka, another decrypter which I write entirely in C, unlike HonokaMiku which is written in C++. It's also faster and better than HonokaMiku, but I swear I'll not give libhonoka to anyone unless who I trusted. It can compromise the game in point where changing encryption is not an option.

Cheaters (mostly Indonesians, or I'm just gonna call them Indons) are now widely spreaded. KLab WW (or should I call it Kebab?) tried to ban accounts for cheating, multiple times, or at every end of event, by nuking suspicious event ranking. But Caraxian said (one of dataminer) that banned accounts in SIF WW can be retrieved back if you have the passcode. Man for real?

To the cheaters, I suggest you not to use the modified APK for cheating, but use something like automated scripts which can save your time reaching the ranking. If you know about "The Friendly Hacker", you should get the idea. The downside is, you need to know how to authenticate with the server (which is stored in binary, and you have to read tons of assembly code for that).

(FYI: The same person, the cheater, actually tries to hack in SIF JP, but got real banned a few minutes later lol).

I've tried many ways to stop them all, including requesting KLab WW (in this context, Kebab) to takedown my decrypter and it's forks for good. I've tried multiple times, but they just didn't do anything. If KLab WW (Kebab) staff read this, please, please, just request GitHub to takedown that repository, along with all of it's forks, and switch your game encryption immediately. If you have better idea how to stop those cheaters, just comment below and I'll send it to Kebab.

TL;DR: SIF WW is compromised because HonokaMiku, and KLab WW (again, Kebab) haven't do anything to strengthen their game security.

It was the point where I was not aware, but now, I'm aware about this nice quote.

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" - Ben Parker

Friday, March 16, 2018

Fixing Image Quality of SIF Cards: RGBA4444 vs. RGB565

Some people discussing about SIF cards image quality being sucks since New Year Kanan UR. They said somehow KLab change the dithering method used in cards and always uses RGBA4444. I argue that RGB565 for clean UR card are better and actually makes sense (clean UR card doesn't need transparency, but "navi"[1] requires transparency).

Here's the original card image, to be used for comparison (the latest Ruby UR card paired with Yoshiko as I'm writing this):


You can notice the grainy pictures, or noise caused by dithering and RGBA4444 color loss. I start to think that something wrong about the dithering algorithm. Here's the version with selective gaussian blur applied (someone in the discussion do the blur):


Selective gaussian blur does the job looks like, but I said, that waifu2x can achieve something better, but then he doesn't agree and says that waifu2x destroys the edges and some parts of the image. Well, I'm just gonna do it anyway. I tried many different methods, like noise level 1, level 2, noise level 2 then 2x scale then 50% downresize, but I found noise level 1 is already doing the job pretty well and noise level 2 destroys some details as he says before. Here's the image result:


Ok it looks good now, so let's apply RGBA4444 conversion and dithering to the noise removed image. Unfortunately, ImageMagick can't do RGBA4444 conversion (and any 16bit RGB color conversion) and specify dithering at same time, so I have to generate the necessary color table (RGBA4444 and RGBA565 for our purpose) and use -remap option in ImageMagick later. Here's the command that I use to generate the color table:

C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>magick convert -size 256x256 xc:none -channel R -fx "((i*w+j)&15)/15.0" -channel G -fx "(((i*w+j)>>4)&15)/15.0" -channel B -fx "(((i*w+j)>>8)&15)/15.0" -channel A -fx "(((i*w+j)>>12)&15)/15.0" rgba4444.png
C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>magick convert -size 256x256 xc:white -channel R -fx "((i*w+j)&31)/31.0" -channel G -fx "(((i*w+j)>>5)&63)/63.0" -channel B -fx "(((i*w+j)>>11)&31)/31.0" rgb565.png

Now we can tell ImageMagick to use our color table:

C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither none -remap rgba4444.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444none.png
C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither riemersma -remap rgba4444.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444rie.png
C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither floydsteinberg -remap rgba4444.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444fstein.png

And here's the result:

1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444none.png -dither none 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444rie.png -dither riemersma 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444fstein.png -dither floydsteinberg

With -dither none, the color difference is very noticeable, while using -dither riemersma or -dither floydsteinberg produces similar result to dithering algorithm that KLab uses (if you look closely, KLab dithering looks better a bit). So it's the RGBA4444 that causing image quality problems. Ok now let's switch to RGB565.

magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither none -remap rgb565.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565none.png
magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither riemersma -remap rgb565.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565rie.png
magick convert 1489u-w2x-noise1.png -dither floydsteinberg -remap rgb565.png 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565fstein.png

1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565none.png -dither none 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565rie.png -dither riemersma 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565fstein.png -dither floydsteinberg

Oh! The RGB565 variant looks way better than ones encoded with RGBA4444. My argument is correct that RGB565 is certainly better for clean UR cards rather than RGBA4444. But the problem is, the RGB565 variant increase twice as RGBA4444 variant and that's just the PNG representation, so let's try to simulate how it's stored in SIF game engine texture bank format and compare their size.

SIF texture bank can store the raw pixel data in variety of different pixel formats[2]. For RGB, there are RGBA5551, RGBA4444, RGB565, and RGBA8888 (RGBA8888 is the usual pixel formats used in images and Photoshop RGB/8). The raw pixel data can be stored uncompressed or compressed with zlib[3], PVR, ETC, or other compression formats supported by the GPU, but most of the time KLab just uses zlib compression, so we use zlib compression. In this example, we picked -dither floydsteinberg with RGB565 and RGBA4444 variant. For sake of tool completeness, I used Linux WSL environment since I don't know how to specify compression level in openssl zlib.

Unfortunately, FFmpeg nor ImageMagick can't output to raw RGBA4444, so I write my own script to do it later in WSL. Here's the Lua script:

#!/usr/bin/env luajit
-- Expected RGBA8888 stdin

local ffi = require("ffi")
local w = assert(tonumber(arg[1]))
local h = assert(tonumber(arg[2]))

local rgba4444 ="uint16_t[?]", w*h)
local rgbstruct = ffi.typeof("union {struct {uint8_t r,g,b,a;} rgba; uint8_t raw[4];}")

for i = 1, w*h do
    local d = rgbstruct {raw =}
    -- Remember FFI arrays are 0-based index
    local r = bit.lshift(bit.rshift(d.rgba.r, 4), 12)
    local g = bit.lshift(bit.rshift(d.rgba.g, 4), 8)
    local b = bit.lshift(bit.rshift(d.rgba.b, 4), 4)
    local a = bit.rshift(d.rgba.a, 4)
    rgba4444[i-1] = bit.bor(bit.bor(r, g), bit.bor(b, a))

io.write(ffi.string(rgba4444, w*h*ffi.sizeof("uint16_t")))

And here's the command I'm using (have to rename WSL bash.exe so it doesn't clash with MSYS/Cygwin bash):

C:\Users\MikuAuahDark\Pictures\1489>env winbash
mikuauahdark@Xyrillia-20166:/mnt/c/Users/MikuAuahDark/Pictures/1489$ ffmpeg -i 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgb565fstein.png -pix_fmt rgb565 -f rawvideo 1489u-w2x-noise1-fstein.rgb565
mikuauahdark@Xyrillia-20166:/mnt/c/Users/MikuAuahDark/Pictures/1489$ ffmpeg -i 1489u-w2x-noise1-rgba444fstein.png -pix_fmt -f rawvideo - | ./rgba4444.lua 512 720 > 1489u-w2x-noise1-fstein.rgba4444
mikuauahdark@Xyrillia-20166:/mnt/c/Users/MikuAuahDark/Pictures/1489$ cat 1489u-w2x-noise1-fstein.rgba4444 | pigz -z -11 > test-1489u-rgba4444.zz
mikuauahdark@Xyrillia-20166:/mnt/c/Users/MikuAuahDark/Pictures/1489$ cat 1489u-w2x-noise1-fstein.rgb565 | pigz -z -11 > test-1489u-rgb565.zz

With just this information, we can estimate the texture bank size. RGBA4444 variant size (compressed) is 245965 bytes, and the RGB565 variant size (compressed) is 399097 bytes. That's 162% size increase. Now let's calculate how much the additional size increase in SIF data if RGB565 is used. We also need to assume average 165% size increase, avg. 500KB of each card file (in RGBA4444), and all clean UR cards are encoded in RGBA4444 (actually, there are already cards that are encoded to RGB565 before, but let's assume all images were encoded to RGBA4444 at the moment to simplify it).

As of writing, School Idol Tomodachi says there are 86 SSR and 234 UR cards. Not all cards have unidolized form and only have idolized variant, but we still can get estimation of such cards from School Idol Tomodachi too, and it says there are no SSR and 79 UR cards with only idolized form[4], which in total there are 561 cards[5]. The cards total size when encoded is:

RGBA4444 Cards = 561 Cards * 500 KB = 274 MB
RGB565 Cards = RGBA4444 Cards (274 MB) * 165% = 452 MB
Size Increase = |274 MB - 452 MB| = 178MB

The size increase is ~178MB. How big is it? BanG Dream Girls Band Party voice size is ~150MB if I remember. Live Simulator: 2 APK size is 23MB, equivalent to 8 Live Simulator: 2 in your Android phone. 178MB is around twice of SIF install data size (the one preloaded into your phone when you started SIF for the first time). Size increase of 178MB should be acceptable, so I think it's gonna worth it if it's re-encoded to RGB565. The problem is that you'll have to download ~452MB of cards if this happends.

The conclusion is: I don't see reason why KLab uses RGBA4444 for clean UR cards except to reduce size, but the quality-size tradeoff is simply unbalanced (as in UNBALANCED LOVE), so KLab should change the pixel format for their clean UR cards from RGBA4444 to RGB565 to increase the image quality, and then use Genki Zenkai dither algorithm with DAY! DAY! DAY! recipe to decrease the size a bit.

[1]: "navi" means the transparent variant of SIF cards, the one used in your home SIF menu. Dunno if KLab is having joke with Avatar, but of course KLab doesn't know anything about the Legend of Aang.



[4]: and

[5]: IdolizedMultipler*(SSR TotalCard+UR TotalCard)-(SSR PromoCard+UR PromoCard)

I write the post in markdown and converted it to HTML, so I'm sorry if there are problems.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Some Q&A Part 1

Someone send me an E-Mail.

how many hours a day you code?
what was the hardes part/feature you have programmed?
who are your best girls muse/aqours and worst?
how long till delete beatmap function and restart option in pause
menu? ༼ ◕_◕ ༽
what are the ideas for the game that you trashed into the bin - were
not implemented but could be cool?
name 3 reasons why should i come to indonesia?

The question looks like mixing alot things, like a personal question, Live Simulator: 2 questions, and Love Live! related question. You may wonder why, but recently I'm opening some kind of AMA related to technical thing about SIF. Here's my tweet mentioned about it (it's also pinned in my Twitter profile). Well, let's answer the question one by one.

how many hours a day you code?
Depends on my mood, time I have, school, and irl things. Most of the time I code 3 hours a day. 7 PM to 10 PM (UTC+8, no DST), but sometimes I code even at 8 hours a day. It all depends on many factors that you may can't think of. In short, my coding time is inconsistent.

 what was the hardes part/feature you have programmed?
 Hardest part? There are some. The first one is this, which turns out to be the base of all SIF WW cheats out there, sad. Second is FFmpeg video loader (FFX) for my Live Simulator: 2. Basically FFX loads any audio/video formats supported by current loaded FFmpeg (libav) libraries and you can use it as video storyboard for your beatmap in Live Simulator: 2. And the last is GUI. Yet, I still can't think a way how to structure GUI codes correctly. I always take too many assumptions when coding it, like optimization, multitouch support, textinput, and more.

who are your best girls muse/aqours and worst?
Myus (that's how I pronounce it. Too sad I can't type greek mu in my laptop) best girl, Honoka Kousaka. For worst girl, probably none, but I found Maki Nishikino is bit annoying (sorry Maki fan).

I prefer love things than hating it, but it's totally different for Aqours. I don't really like Aqours for some reason (and even angry to myself if I accidentally forgot to switch from Aqours mode to Myus mode before exiting SIF). But since you asked it, best girl for Aqours is Riko Sakurauchi, and worst girl is Ruby Kurosawa (sorry Ruby fan), because her voice anoys me a bit.

how long till delete beatmap function and restart option in pause

Not sure what you mean, but if you mean Live Simulator: 2, then it should arrive in v2.2 :P 

Update: It ariived in 3.0

what are the ideas for the game that you trashed into the bin - were
not implemented but could be cool?

Not sure what game, but if you mean Live Simulator: 2, then probably a full team simulation. This thing is probably arrive in my next project, FiLive! (rewritten Live Simulator: 2 to C++), but probably I'll start FiLive! development once Live Simulator: 2 v3.0 hits, which is in a few years in the future :P

name 3 reasons why should i come to indonesia?

There are plenty of reasons. But of course, not to meet me specially, since I'm introvert. Simple Google search result shows me article from, which lists 15 reasons why you should visit Indonesia. So I'm just pick best reasons: Komodo Island, Borobudur Temple, and the diving to see corals, quoted from the same article, "One of the best ways to explore it is on a liveaboard boat around the Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia's West Papua province.".

I suggest you to visit Bali first. I also have plans to Bali in June, so if we're somehow meet each other, we'll start Time Lapse by Poppin' Party (the song I'm listening in loop while writing this).

EDIT: Updated FFmpeg video loader link to point to LS2 v2.x