Sunday, December 14, 2014

How to stream music with Windows Media Player 12

I recently getting problem in soundcloud where i can't play some tracks. After trying 3 times, i decided to open Web Console(Ctrl+Shift+K in Firefox) which shows me some security warnings. One of them is refer to "api dot soundcloud dot com / bla bla.. / streams" that says Cross-Origin Request is blocked. I'm spending about half-hour to activate CORS but Firefox seems not support that thing.

I remember Internet Download Manager that sometimes shows "Download This Audio". Maybe i can do some kind of experiment with those links, ok, i decide to open the link and it shows some kind of JSON data like this:
Maybe the "some_links_here" contains the mp3 file which can be used to stream the mp3 from WMP instead.
I try to copy the "some_links_here" link and paste it to WMP for stream and it worked. Here's how
1. Open Windows Media Player
1.a. For faster, just press Win+R and type "wmplayer"
2. Press Ctrl+U and paste the link at there
3. Press OK.
4. Wait for some time and it will start to stream the mp3 from your WMP.
4.a. If it shows error, maybe the link already expired, in that case, try to reopen the soundcloud page.
Well, after some investigation that i do myself, it seems that it only throws security warning when it try to use "OPTIONS" request method instead of "POST"(maybe) or "GET".

Okay, one more question. How to do this in OneDrive?
Okay i also have a story about this today. I'm uploading 3 files to my OneDrive and only 1 file is uplaoded with very slow speed.
Then, after the file has beed uploaded successfully, it shows that the rest of 2 files(that failed) has beed uploaded successfully too.
I need to verify that those 2 files doesn't corrupted first so i do these things:
1. Right click the file you want to stream
2. Click Download
3. When download dialog pops up, try to copy only the link.
3.a. If it doesn't allow you to do so(like bulit-in firefox download), try to press "Download" and then abort it(also read 3.b for next steps for this)
3.b. Shows your download(Ctrl+J) and you find your aborted download. Right click on it and press "Copy Download Link"(or something similar)
4. Repeat step 1-4 above(in soundcloud stream method)